
Yi-Ru McAllister graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University (BA) and the National Taiwan Normal University (MA), majoring in Music Composition and Theory. She had a strong interest in cross-field art collaboration, combining performing arts, interdisciplinary studies, music theater, and cultural industries. Her Master’s thesis reflects her dedication and skill in these diverse aspects of the musical arts. 

Continuing her education, Yi-Ru attended the Haute Ecole de Musique de Genève (HEM), where she earned an MA in Dalcroze Eurhythmics Pedagogy. While in Switzerland, she also trained at the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze (IJD) in Geneva, gaining comprehensive music education training that laid the foundation for her expertise. In 2016, Yi-Ru received recognition with the “Best Improvisation Prize” from the Emile Jaques-Dalcroze Foundation and the “Best Artistic Project Award” from the Aletheia Foundation. In 2019, Yi-Ru achieve the Diplôme Supérieur of the IJD. 

Yi-Ru has extensive teaching experience, having contributed to the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze in Geneva from 2014 to 2019. She worked with diverse students of all ages, demonstrating adaptability and a strong commitment to music education. During her time in Switzerland, she also engaged in various artistic and teaching activities, showcasing her musical skills and sharing insights as a guest lecturer.

Upon returning to Taiwan in 2019, Yi-Ru took on various roles, including serving as a guest lecturer at renowned institutions such as the National Performing Arts Center and Weiwuying National Arts and Cultural Center. She also contributed to the teacher training program at the National Academy for Educational Research. Twice selected as an artist-in-residence at the esteemed Performance 36 Yung An Cultural Center. Yi-Ru provided capacity-building courses for art teachers in primary and secondary schools across Taiwan. While sharing her experiences in her hometown, Yi-Ru continues to collaborate internationally, regularly receiving invitations to serve as a lecturer and certification examination evaluator for esteemed Dalcroze teacher training institutes in various countries, including Switzerland, France, Spain, UK and Korea.